Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The changing world of word processing - and how they will affect your press releases

BusinessWeek magazine is not necessarily tops when it comes to picking winners on the market, but it's now sticking its neck out with a call on the second coming of Internet businesses - what BusinessWeek calls Web 2.0. How come?

Well, Google just scooped up Writely and Yahoo! bought that social bookmarking site del.icio.us a while back. Writely allows people to collaborate on documents in a way that doesn't require pages to be reloaded. And - I hear you ask - how does this affect my press release program?

Well, the fact is, like RSS, podcasting and even blogs - it will take 'majors' like Yahoo! and Google to bring these new technologies into mass use in a way that affects all our communications - particularly interactive and more dramatic communication of ideas. Writely is more the former than the latter. But the net effect will be more seamless communication preparation and delivery. And that impacts on everyone.


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